Welcome to Kalgidhar Academy, Ludhiana

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Welcome to Kalgidhar Academy

A Place of Excellence, Learning, and Community

Rooted in Traditional, Soaring towards Future

The school was established in April 1996 under the patronage and guidance of Sant Baba Hari Singh Ji Randhawa whose cherished desire was to provide quality and religious education to the students.

The school is situated with close proximity to South - Ludhiana Bye Pass in 8 acres of land in an open and pollution free area. School is steered by the management of Kalgidhar Academy of 11 respectable members presided by His Holiness Baba Hari Singh Ji Randhawa, with full co-operation and dedication to the service for the development and welfare of the academy.

Kalgidhar Academy Sen. Sec. School is an Independent School getting no funds from any Government (State or Central). We have a team of more than hundred qualified Faculty (most of them with Master's Qualification) who are in tune of time to work day and night for the accomplishment of the mission of KAD. The people working in this Institution are Role-Models to one and all, having very pious life as the world expects from the teachers.

The Management has rendered the necessary help to financially weak students by granting full fee concession to 125 such needy pupils. The imperative feature of the school is that apart from providing the pupil with intellectual knowledge we enrich them moral and spiritual values. Kalgidhar Academy declares a majestic look with its top crest to the east as if it is receving the blessing of the supreme eye. This school boasts of spreading the fragrance of excellent education. His supreme guidance will help us to reach newer heights.